Saturday, 4 June 2011

A guide to collecting games

A few people remarked at how many games I have accumulated and that it would cost me considerably large amounts of money, quiet the contrary, collecting games isn't as cost taxing as you would think. As you may have noticed I did accumulate a large variety of games, simply because I play all genres, this allows me great freedom in collecting but if you only like a certain genre I don't imagine it is as taxing.

Anyways General Principles!

1.Know your genre inside and out, recognize the lead developers of the genre as well as the up and coming one. Just being able to walk into a gamestore and being able to trust upon a developer regardless of game makes the decision way easier

2. Don't always buy games at launch. Recognize the ones that will run out and are on a limited print, for example, the Zone of the Enders series, 3D Dot Game Heroes, most games produced by Atlus. Games by large publishers will never run out and are almost always overstocked, just hold up, don't buy it at launch, pick it up for half price 2 months later.

3. Sales!!!!!!, recognize game sales periods, I live in New Zealand, for us, EB Games always has a Mid June-Early July stock take sale, Mighty Ape (my favourite online retailer), has a sale every public holiday and daily deals. Also often, because they cater to the import market, you can also pick up discounted unpopular niche titles like Muramasa and Fragile Dreams, two most excellent Wii titles

4. Get into the habit of searching a few key words through ebay/trademe, you never know when someone will drop an extremely rare title with little knowledge for its actual worth

5. Finally, have a list, a list you can either write down or save in your head, have how much you are willing to pay for it and rate them on how much you want them, it gives you such a greater sense of fulfilment especially when you are starting and when you put all your games together and it doesn't feel as impressive


  1. I have a good collection myself.

  2. yeah man thats so cool i got a crazy games collectionj too!!!!

  3. i only have my old game collection... all the new games are in steam.

  4. Neat. Thanks for the tips.

  5. never really got into collecting games, might have to start seeing as how easy you make it seem

  6. cool tips maybe now choosing will be easier

  7. My collection is pretty old..since the newer generation of consoles I never really got into it, but I still love gaming

  8. Collecting games on X360 and PS3 is one of the most expensive hobbies.

  9. I've got a pretty big collection - in Steam!

  10. problem with this is, i collect them but then never get to finish them. for example, i bought some game (can't remember), but then when new vegas came out, i completely stopped in the middle of that game, and now i really don't feel like ever playing it again.

    weird, huh?

  11. @ Alexander Which is precisely why even if I get a new game I'll wait until I finished what I was playing, because otherwise I'll do exactly the same thing.

  12. I almost never buy a game at launch...good tips.

  13. thats my kind of collections, but i dont have the money :(

  14. great collectors/buying guide +1 for you

  15. great tips. perhaps i can regain a colletion once i get some money

  16. Ive got a huge collection in steam, saves disk space.

  17. A Steam collection is a happy collection

  18. nice list man, im gonna build up my collection :)

  19. Heh. I tend to buy games that I like but end up not playing them much. Like Pokemon. I love the game but I just don't end up playing it as much as I would have liked.

    I blame the Internets...

  20. Good tips! I don't really collect games, but I have quite a lot of them.

  21. I do that ebay thing sometimes too, like you said you can be really surprised by what you find. Especially when it's obvious a mom is selling her sons stuff, lol.
