Monday, 6 June 2011

MLG Final Thoughts

I will do a "thoughts of E3" after Nintendos conference tomorrow, sneak peek ( MICROSOFT YOU SUCK, SONY YOU'RE OKAY, NINTENDO TBD). Also new figurines post sometime later tonight when I find the time, very busy this week.

MMA played outstanding all tournament, with incredible Medivac harass  and the most impeccable of timings. His victory overy Losira on both Shattered Temple and Metalopolis demonstrated the incredible power of multi-pronged drop harass, though never at any time, other than the final battle, being in a position to take the Zerg army on head to head, he utilized his amazing micromanagement and out maneuvered the Zerg time and time again. The final award ceremony, with "MMA, MMA, MMA" being chanted by the audience hopefully showed the Koreans that we are just as passionate about e-sports as they are.

I actually really want to mention Idra today. Due to the time zone difference, I missed his match with MMA  and as such this.....

Idra played incredibly on Day 1, showing amazing finesse and strategy, somewhere around the time he played Thorzain, losing his first series he went on a horrible tilt. He had this game won, you can see the shock in his opponent MMA, Day9 is left utterly speechless in disbelief. It makes absolutely no sense as to why he left, he had the game won. From here, he all-in'd MC three games in a row, each time failing, and then quitting an even 4th game. Idra truly demonstrated yesterday that he is his own worst enemy. This tournament was lost by Idra, he could have won it, his mindset threw it away.

Anyways, stay tuned, figurines, E3 impressions incoming.


  1. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on E3, Nintendo's going to steal the show!

  2. I wish I was that good. Sigh.

  3. It's always funny watching Idra play. He rages so hard most of the time.

  4. Looking forward to your thoughts on E3.

  5. E3, was a big failure. Halo derp, Kintect + minecraft = fail. Playstation wat?
    No thanks 2011.

  6. Love me some starcraft. Look forward to your review.

  7. Awesome guys!
    We need more read on E3

  8. Yeah this years E3... Eh... Well...
    "Lackluster" I think the word is. :)

  9. Its so hard to play Zerg, IMO. Sigh.

  10. Great game, I didn't even know that the E3 is already going on until today. Definitely want to read up on the news, post fast :D

  11. Interesting post with Starcraft :) Bring some more!

  12. Yeah, keeping an eye on anything particular at E3?
